Monday, July 25, 2011

South Sudan rebel Gatluak Gai killed after peace deal"By James Copnall

A key South Sudanese rebel leader, Col Gatluak Gai, who this week signed a peace deal with the government, has been killed.
The exact circumstances of his death are disputed.
Col Gai was shot in the early hours of Saturday morning despite having apparently been reconciled with the South Sudanese army.
South Sudan became independent earlier this month, but is facing at least half a dozen armed rebellions.
The incident happened at or near the district of Pakur in Unity State.
Colonel Gai began his rebellion following elections last year, after the candidate he supported for state governor was controversially declared to be the loser.
This week Col Gai signed a peace agreement with the South Sudan army and was due to be reintegrated into it.
A fellow rebel told the BBC he had been lured into a trap by the army, which then assassinated him.
The army spokesman denied this.
He said Col Gai had been killed in a fight with his deputy, after he had changed his mind about the peace agreement.


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